Degenerative Disc Disease: Causes Symptoms And Home Treatments

Home Treatment For Degenerative Disc

Degenerative disc disease can be an extremely painful ailment and it stems from osteoarthritis of the back. Occasionally the vertebra becomes inflamed due to the compression of the disk and this irritation gradually undergoes healing when the spine attempts to heal itself. Unfortunately, in this process, tiny calcium deposits or stones form themselves along the spinal column. This may increase the pain, cause intermittent attacks of acute pain and also lead to an immobility of the spine from time to time. There are several anti inflammatory drugs and prescription medicines for the pain, but these are best taken under a doctor’s supervision. Avocado and soybeans that can either be had as pills but preferably added to your diet, is known to help with the pain. Recent research indicates that those who consume these two food products were not so dependent upon painkillers and experienced a lesser degree of pain than earlier. Another way to help with movement and bring down the pain is regular exercise. Controlling one’s weight is also essential as excess weight can put pressure on the back, which will inevitably increase the pain. Some specialists recommend acupuncture and deep body massages as it is believed that are capable of releasing pain fighting hormones which then dull the pain. One of the best and tested remedies for this condition is to apply heat to the painful area. Use a clean cotton cloth and dip it in warm to slightly hot water and keep on the affected area. This is because moist heat is the best, although you must take care to not scald yourself. A heating pad or a hot water bottle can also be used, but take care to not keep it on for more than thirty minutes lest your back break out in blisters. The heat may be reapplied throughout the course of the day, but it is important to take rest in between and allow the body part to cool down before starting again. This rest period will ensure that muscle spasms do not occur, because if they do, it will only prolong the healing period. The inflammation can be alleviated to some extent through turmeric, oregano, rosemary and green tea extract. White willow bark is another time tested remedy for this aliment. Although these are helpful, you may want to consult your physician as they may interfere with other pain medication that you are on and become harmful for the body.

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